It is a Remington 870. Along with this I bought 5 boxes of ammo. The first of many. I almost purchased a used 20 gu Mossburg but there was something wrong with the firing pin. I liked the look of the stock on this also...I know that is such a girl thing to say.
I also purchased a 2 quart Lodge Logic cast iron dutch oven. I would love to buy larger ones but with tennis elbow I think the smaller ones will be better. Also I am not a spring chicken any more. I have to plan for when I am 90 and cooking for the family over the fire outside.
Also, a still air incubator. I know purchasing all the bells and whistle ones...moving air, built in thermometer, auto egg turner.....the list goes on.....would improve hatchability. But I have used this as is before and it did fine. I will buy a thermometer which also tracks humidity. I know that is important for little birds.
So there ya go. I am going to work on hatching my own groups of chicks to see if this will help keep them from killing each other.
I also purchased a deer block to give the meat beasties something to peck on til I finish putting them in the freezer.
Good investment. I had a dutch oven from Lodge that was unevenly seasoned. I love that you can get them already seasoned now, no more crudy oil in the corners. And good job on the incubator.
Patrice I read an article that they aren't seasoned well. I am going to re-season it and my cast iron skilled needs it again too because it got water left in it. I am excited about the incubator.
Great investment! I have a Henry 22lever action that my hubby got me for Christmas a few years ago. I love it! And I am so jealous of the dutch oven! It is on my wish list...I am hpoing to get it for my b-day in July. U don't think the season that have when you get them is very good either. My two skillets came that way and have been done many times since then. Good luck with the incubater - I am looking forward to seeing how it goes for you.
thank you Jennifer. I hope you get yours. I want several of this size so I can cook several things at one time. I want patrices's coffee pot though!
Love the lodge but it totally needs to be seasoned by a seasoned user. :)
Nice gun and it may be girlie to say that about a stock but who cares, right! I'm actually shopping for another shotgun right now that is easier to pick up and draw from a dead sleep for home protection.
Do you know if you can repair cast iron? We have an old cast iron tea kettle that sits on the wood stove and was there when we moved in. But it is cracked or rusted through or something because it leaked when we put water in it to add a bit of humidity to the air.
Jennifer, I would use that tea kettle for decoration. I believe there are ways to repair cast iron but honestly, would you if you are going to consume anything cooked in it? I think it would look great on the stove in the summer gime with ivy growing out of it.
Christy, try a pistol grip. It is easier to grab with one hand. You will have to look into how short of a barrel you can go to with a pistol grip. Depending on your state regs you may be able to go with a seriously short double barrel with a pistol which would make anyone think twice. But then again there is nothing like the sound of a pump action from down the hall to end any thought of a confrontation too.
Great job! I have several guns. My newest is a .357 Magnum.
I think I have a dutch oven somewhere that I keep meaning to dig out. I got a huge collection of cast iron, but it was rusted thoroughly and I never did anything about them.
So many investments to be made, not enough money. We pretty much try to pick them up when the need is so great that the labor completely overshadows the cost.
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