One load of laundry is drying in the breeze on the line and another is washing.
Frost warning tomorrow night so I know I won't be able to protect the only feeble watemelon so I picked it and a few okra.
It wasn't ripe but I put it in the fridge. I am convinced I can do something with it. My mom used to tell me I would get a belly ache if I ate the rind of a watermelon. You can understand my shock the first time I saw them pickled and just knew someone would be poisoned.
I was looking in the freezer to see if there was something to eat for lunch. I didn't want to eat anything heavy because it is my dad's birthday and we are going out tonight. I found this which I had forgotten about.
This is a package of cantelope that I grew in the summer of 2009. I vacume sealed it because we ate all the rest and I wanted some for the middle of winter. Then I forgot about it.
Since it was still very orange I opened it and tried it frozen. It is amazing! Ok so more cantelope next year to put in the freezer for smoothies...which I am having for lunch today. Just like frozen grapes, these make a great snack frozen. I have heard they are mushy when you let them thaw so I won't.
This is my fall/winter cut and come again salad garden. Since we have frost coming that means due to my procrastination, I will have to go to Lowes after dinner and get pvc and brackets and screws and make a mini green house to protect this.
It is time to make some more pesto too.
Pray for peace for me. I have started the process of refinancing and the stress of what needs to get done before the appraisal is almost too much for me.
I don't know how this lettuce survived. It was eaten completely down by grasshoppers twice. Then the guineas got the hoppers and everything started to grow again.
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