Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter? Photos added

It is 38 degrees out and will be 18 degrees tonight. The wind is whipping!

The fresh bread is out of the oven, the crock pot is full of organic grass fed chuck roast, presents are wrapped under the tree, and a roaring fire is in the fireplace.

Man I can smell the chuck roast. It is sitting in pool of yummy savory thick gravy. Pop is bringing a pumpkin pie. Mom is coming too! She is so cold all of the time. I think I might give her her present early.

Mom, Dad and I aren't exchanging presents until Christmas evening. Today is for my daughter and grand boys because they are going to Oklahoma on Tuesday and won't be here for Christmas.

I will post pics later. So far no egg! Must be too cold for Oreo.

I can't wait for the boys to open their present!


Peggy said...

Have a wonderful family Christmas dinner!

Tracy Bruring said...

Thank you Peggy! We did.

Leasmom said...

Merry nice that you had everyone together.

Carole Burant said...

Isn't it so wonderful when you can celebrate with family:-) I love watching children opening presents!!

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! Merry Christmas to you and yours! xoxo

Tracy Bruring said...

Thank you guys. You know when you look at the hearts of small children you really see christmas. I wish you could have seen my grand son's reaction to opening a box with new mud boots. They were so excited.