Friday night storms tore through this area though...yes while we slept in a tent....and my garden loved it. I am going to bed now but here are a few pics.
Things I learned on the campout..
1. what a cheese touch is
2. why you never listen to the weather man
3. why you need rope
4. why you need at least 15 different kinds of dessert on a campout
5. no matter how many times you roast a still burns you if you grab it too soon
6. friholes + 2 boys + 1 tent= a bad thing
7. yelling "CAR!" doesn't clear kids out of the road as fast as "SMORES"
8. with enough determination you can start a fire even after a down pour...if you want coffee bad enough
9. are NEVER going to get that tent back into the same bag as it came in
tomatillos and maragolds and sweetpotato vine
green beans
speghetti squash and kholarabi
tomatos still not caged!
Ok, what the heck is a cheese touch???
Great pics!!! :)
lol someone starts it by touching another person and saying "cheese touch" and it's like a disease. You don't want to keep it so you sneak around and look for someone to give it to. If they have anything crossed they are immune...fingers legs etc. totally fun
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