can we say xanax?
So just in case we needed it I bought a 7000 pound 20ft long tow strap. Man am I glad we did. Dad had a HUGE eye bolt and screwed it in to the bottom of the shed. We hooked the tow strap to it and my hitch and I just barely gave it a little gas and that she swung around like it was on a hinge!!
Then I backed up and dad put a 2x6x10ft board against my hitch and at the bottom of the shed and the truck pushed it back against the fence...slicker than anything I have ever done. I felt as powerful as the day I canned my first jars of chicken!!!
There is room between the shed and the house to run gutters and the rain barrels will be on frames to the right of the shed.
Dad built a cool little work bench and we put up peg board.
Still have to put soffit on the front and finish painting.
The window looks right out on my garden.
Dad brought me a porch light for the front. I will buy a fluorescent light for the inside.
I love the stocking stuffer section at Home Depot. I got a mini mag light and a head light in the same box for 4.88! They are sweet and will provide my light requirements w/out much weight in my BOB.
I also got a rain poncho.
No pics yet but I put 300ft of Christmas lights up along my deck rail. I need about 1000ft more just for the rail the posts and along the fascia.
I made about 3 gallons of broth from 3 organic free range chicken carcasses. I got out the hatchet and sharpened it today. I will go to wally world and get rubber gloves because I have cuts on my hands and don't want to process chickens for fear of getting them infected.
Tomorrow I will raw pack all the meat chickens into quart jars and fill them with boiling fresh broth and can them.
I am so tired but daughter wants me to come and listen to her boyfriends band play...he doesn't start until 9pm. I have to be home by midnight though or I will turn in to a pumpkin.
WoooHOOOOOOOOOOO! That is so awesome!
It is so nice to have a place where you put things away neatly and safely.
Faith Dad asked me if I had a long screw so I went looking....on the freezer, under my bed, under the guest room bed, in 2 blue rubber maid boxes, in a yellow tool box, in a black tool box, in a small cloth tool box, in a large cloth tool box and in two white cabinets near the chickens. I was thinking to have some cool stuff in here...can't wait to give it all a home. Found 3 screws
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