Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thankful for 100

This morning I walked outside to water the turkeys and thought my skin was going to melt at how hot the sun was even this early in the morning. So I wanted to post a photo reminding me why I am loving this 100 degree weather! I am so excited though because using an online classified site I found a person with a lot of rabbit manure available and I will be going to her house today to get a load!!! This I feel is the key. Nothing will grow in this soil and without getting a soil test I am pretty sure that due to the sandy nature of the soil the nutrients simply have leached out since the prior owners seem to have only grown and mowed grass here. Between my rabbit source, the turkeys until they are in the freezer, horse manure and goat manure from the barn I keep my horse at, chickens soon and grass clippings, I will soon have the earth here teaming with life! Have you ever thought about the simplicity of compost and how blessed we are with it?


Peggy said...

We have 3 compost, mulch piles and our garden loves it. I even put the straw from the goat stalls between my rows in the garden and don't have to hoe or weed!

Anonymous said...


Check out Midwest Laboratories site and ask for a "Free Soil Test" You will be able to get recommendations for your soil.

Brent Pohlman

BKS said...

You can also locate your local county extension agent and they should be able to direct you on how to get soil samples to the right people to let you know what you need. Dad sent his samples to Texas A&M Commerce and they tested them and returned the analysis for free as part of their ag program there. You would be amazed at what just turning the soil over with a good disk will do for it if it has been compacted for many years. I am not sure if thats an option or how much land you have. Good luck!!

Tracy Bruring said...

wow thank you everyone. good information!

Monica said...

Nice to find your blog.

We have tons of leaves out here. We pile em up out of the way and after a year they become "leaf mold" which is great. We filled the dead soil of our little veggie patch with this easy "compost" and actually grew edible produce this summer.

Monica said...

okay, sorry for commenting *again*, but I swore I had read a hilarious and sarcastic "Chickens 101" post here. Am I crazy? I can't find it now. I had wanted to share it with my sister... both of us are dreaming of raising chickens.

Tracy Bruring said...

I wanted to let you know that i got a not so nice email from the author of that post and although i had given her the credit by listing her as the author, and the web site as the posting site, that wan't enough. I was asked by her to delete it for violating copy write laws of some type.

Monica said...

Oh well...