Saturday, January 1, 2011


I stood up and looked out my window to the bunny cages. Tonight is cold so I turned on the heat lamps to keep the waters from freezing; Here is what I saw.

I zoomed in and it is fuzzy. But what you are seeing is the blue water bottle in the back ground: momma rabbit laying down with her two big ears up and on her back...actually laying on her neck with it's head between her ears is a tiny baby that escaped from the nest.


~ H said...

So glad you have a good mama rabbit. Ours will not be bred again. She took her lil' ones out one by one and it was devastating to our girls. We hope to breed our other female with better results.

Tracy Bruring said...

H I am sorry to hear that. I will give my girls 3 times with something like that. I am harsh with that kind of behavior. After the 3rd time, the bunny "escapes" during the night and the next day we have "chicken" for dinner...if you know what I mean.