Saturday, July 10, 2010


Homemade Mayonnaise

2 egg yolks

1 T. lemon juice

1 T. white wine, rice or champagne vinegar

1. t. Dijon mustard

1 t. sea salt

dash of garlic powder, onion powder and sugar

1 1/2 cup of oil of your choice (I use a combination of

sunflower and olive oil)

Just find the 'tool' you have in your home and watch

that video. I now exclusively make my mayonnaise with

my stick blender. I can have it mixed in as little as

28 seconds. I even make it in the jar I store it in.

Super easy clean-up. I have made it several times in

the blender and food processor. Both work equally as

well. I have only made it by hand once, and it would

not be my first choice as it is a little bit of work,

but it can be done.


Faith said...

I should get in the habit of making this. We actually use more Miracle Whip type dressings, so I should find that recipe as well.



Farmgirl Cyn said...

Homemade mayo is all I have now! So simple and so much better tasting! I just used nearly the last of mine to make some homemade ranch dressing yesterday, so I need to get crackin' on another batch! I used a bit of whey in my last doesn't change the flavor, but it keeps in the fridge far longer than 1-2 weeks.

Tracy Bruring said...

I am going to. As many eggs that I have. I just do not like Miracle Whip.

Thanks Farmgirl.