Looked outside and saw some tomatos that needed to be harvested. Yellow and red make light red to pink tomato juice. Only two quarts but I will have to can this way I guess.
Also outside were trees and trees full of wild plums. The birds didn't get them this year. So the boys and I picked two large bowls full. They are cooked and ready to make into juice to freeze. I will make jelly later.
Wild Plum Preserves
5 cups pitted, tart plums (about 2 1/2 pounds)
4 cups sugar
1 cup water
Sterilize canning jars. Combine all ingredients. Bring slowly to boiling, stirring until sugar dissolves. Cook rapidly almost to the jellying point, about 15 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent sticking. Pour hot preserves into hot jars, leaving 1/4 inch head space. Wipe jar rims and adjust lids. Process 10 minutes in a boiling water bath at 5,000 feet.
Lunch was bacon, white cheese and yellow tomato sandwiches on toast.
One of them may be getting sick.
Oh, my that bacon looks good. I'm fasting today. LOL
Looking at that last photo, I forgot to mention in your other post how much I loved the pictures of everybody wiped out and asleep. LOL
Oh Faith I am sorry! Didn't mean to make your fast harder! Yep this little guy was in the emergency room last night til midnight. He has a bad case of strep.
No, it's perfect. It increases my character without me being able to cheat and stuff it in my mouth. LOL
Aw, poor guy! That's no fun. It hurts a lot.
What symptoms originally sent you to the ER with him? Did he have a raging fever? :o(
No fever at all...that is why we were stumped. He would suddenly grab his throat and cry when he swallowed but no sigh of red or swelling. then he said his stomach hurt in an area of a child hood surgery. so it got us scared that maybe he caught something weird in all of the public restrooms or pools...ok I am a hypocondriac.
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