Sunday, April 26, 2009


I feel almost guilty as I sit in my living room, listening to the sweet sound of the spring rain outside. No thunder or high winds, just sweet rain. Everything is wonderful green.

Guilty because I am sure my sis is already at Baylor with her son and can't enjoy this. Soon we hope though. They haven't removed the ventilator yet but he was breathing on his own for 7 hours yesterday. This is very good. Soon we hope they will be able to cap off the ventilator tube and then he will be able to talk. That is his biggest frustration, he can't talk. We can't understand what makes him fearful and I am sure he feels completely alone.

He loves his mom so much. We can't wait until we can feed him though. He has gotten much thinner than he was and he was really thin to begin with. I wish we could do a fat transplant. I'd volunteer.

Well all the hearts and livers from the chicken massacre are vacume sealed and in the freezer. The necks and backs are cooking on the stove with salt and bayleaves. When they are done I will freeze the broth in ice cube trays and then vacume seal those also.

I really need to buy a pressure canner.

Well the laundry is almost done and the shower is calling my name.

1 comment:

Faith said...

So hard. You want to protect your child so much. :(
