Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Ok I got in after dark yesterday and although there was almost a full moon, I was very tired and didn't feel like moon gardening. Do I missed the moon time for planting these plants by one day. I wonder if it will matter?
My dad swears that he planted the sweet peas on time while I was gone but they do not have blooms and they should by now.

Tonight I planted 2 more tomato plants (forgot to write down the names--I will get them tomorrow), one tiny thyme plant with the teeniest leaves and a creeping kind of should grow over the edge of this cinder block. Also I planted two curry plants, the two stevia plants, catmint, pepper mint, marigolds which I still have not transplanted all that I started, and also planted cantelope and zuchinni.

Then I built a pumpkin patch. I think it will take over the garden. So will the squash plants if they do good.

Then I watered the blueberries, the apple trees, the oak tree out front, the swiss chard and mesclin lettuce, the front tomatos and peppers, and ghe dill and varigated thyme out front. I have 5 strawberry plants coming up. I have never planted these so I have no idea if they will do anything. If they do it will be next year.


ChristyACB said...

Your pumpkin patch is 4x4? Looks like it. How many will you put in there?

I have one 4x4 raised bed that I'm experimenting with the 3 sisters method in. Corn, beans twining around the corn and then pumpkin plants twining around it all and shading the ground. I was thinking just 2 plants.

granny said...

Your gardens are looking great,I love fresh herbs,couldnt go without them now.And the price of a small bunch at the shops is just so rediculous!!who on earth buys them????

Leasmom said...

Looks really good!!!

Tracy Bruring said...

Christy I planted 6. If they all grow I will thin them to 4 and let them run as far as they want. All my years of growing up my father (who has a thumb the shade of green so dark Ireland is jealous) never planted corn without beans. I can't grow corn here in this part of TX and believe it or now, neither can my dad.

Thanks granny and patrice. I love fresh herbs in salad, me and my son love fresh cucumber sandwiches with mayo and fresh dill weed. It is our summer sandwich. If I can get the herbs growing well, I will experiment with drying some.