Saturday, March 5, 2016

I live 1 hour from work

It seems so far however at the time I purchased my farm....and now...this is the closest farm I would afford

Then after 14 years my work announced that in 2 years they will be moving us an additional 30 minutes more away from my home....that is 3 hours of driving every day. 780 hours per year just driving to work.

As I came out of the elevator an assistant VP of the company asked me a simple question:


How do I tell someone like that:

My lifelong dream was to own a farm

I lived in a camper for 3 years on a goat farm to save my down payment

My grandchildren love my farm…we make memories there

If I move toward work I am moving away from my family children and grand children

My mother is in assisted living and i would be moving away from her

I would have to give up all of my animals; 6 ducks, 12 chickens, 4 cats, 2 dogs, 1 guinea

How do you even respond to someone who asks this?

Not many people would NOT ask this

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