Sunday, November 15, 2009


I trimmed trees last weekend and saved some small oak branches because I knew they would make good hot dog and marshmallow roasting sticks and they had a V shape so they would be good to poke into the ground as a support for something that needed slower cooking.

After I was done with the first one I realized I had never used my pocket knife for this kind of thing. Here is my knife.

I am not real happy with it because it has a delicate feel to it. I think I will have to watch myself or I will break the blade. This was a find. I found it on the ground outside of a convenience store about 10 years ago. I see it has a little rust that I need to clean off.

I made 3 roasting sticks and then tried my hand at some feather sticks. These will take a little more practice. I need to learn more control with my knife.

I was working on a piece of cedar when I realized the end of this stick could make a good fire bow. As I sat in the front yard whittling away and cleaning my new fire bow I realized I have no clue how to use one.

I have watched Bushcraft On Fire videos on Youtube and Part 2 and he makes it look easy but as I am whittling away I realized his skill makes it appear easy and skill takes practice.

So this is the beginning of my fire bow. Once I have my bow made I will find my drill, a fire board and something to hold the drill with at the top.

I will post my progress as I go. This should be interesting to see if I can figure out how to start fire the old fashioned way.

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