Sunday, March 22, 2009


This was a great day. I didn't have to go anywhere. I was here alone and got to do anything I wanted. I drank coffee and started laundry. Cleaned my bedroom and bathroom. Then wanted to go outside. I decided I was going to mow the 2 acre field.

Well last year I wanted to let it go "natural" so I didn't mow the field at all. During the early part of the winter I discovered why I shouldn't have done that. If any of you know what a Locust Tree is, you will know they take over in a short amount of time. They have thorns up to 4 inches long even on the baby plants. Well there were a million in my two acre field. And I am not joking. While I mowed they punctured my tires making them look like a porcupine.

So that is one reason not to be lazy about your mowning. The next is that there is a ton of dead grass laying on top of the green grass when you are done. That means the new growing grass will die. Then erosion happens and it is the beginning of the end for your lawn or your field.

After I was 3/4 done I ran out of gas. I used that opportunity to call my helper John and see if he was available. He was!! I ran to walmart and then to get John and back we came. While I finished mowing, he started raking. Then when I was done I went to help.

Mind you this is not my front is a 2 acre pasture that we are hand raking. I had no choice. I have plans for the grass this year. It is going to feed my chickens.

Each pile was approx. 4 feet in diameter and about 3 feet tall. When we got done there was about 40 of these piles in the field.

I don't dare add this to my compost pile because of all the weed seeds and locusts. I would never be able to keep the pile hot enough to kill all of them. I threw about 4 piles into the outside chicken run and they are happy little chickens.

John and I are moving them by raking them on my large tarp (about 4 piles per load) and then he and I grab the corners and start dragging. I seriously got a workout this evening. We added 3 tarps full to the burn pile but then I found out that that much grass doesn't burn well. It just smolders. So now what to do with the remaining 30 piles? I hate to do it but I have to consider bagging them to the land fill.

I will try to advertise on craigs list to see if anyone wants them. But if they don't want them by next monday I will put them out for the trash guys. Boy will they love me.

While I cooked pizza and washed dishes, John planted the rest of my sun flowers. We ate the pizza out on the picnic table and listened to the lions roaring. He thought that was really cool.

I took John back home and climbed in a very hot shower and took some Aleve for the pains I know I will have tonight.

This week we will try to take down the rest of the field fence.

Ps...I got 5 eggs. We are getting a blue egg, 2 green eggs, 1 pink egg and a brown egg. So that means I have two who are not producing. I suspect it is Red and Vanilla.


Captain's Wife - Jennifer said...

Lions roaring? Where do you live? We have a few locust trees around and they are a pain because of the thorns. They are mostly on another part of our land where and get in the dirt bike tires. I made pizza tonight for dinner you make your own crust? If you do, I would love to hear your recipe. I have a recipe that I have been using and it is ok, but I am still looking. :)have a goodnight and I hope those pains stay away!

Tracy Bruring said...

I live in N TX and someone around here raises African lions. It is very cool to listen to them roar. I have recipes for homemade pizza crust but with working all day I just bough Digorno. Cheap dinner for a hard working kid. He loved it. I will try to find my recipe and forward it to you.

ps...the pains sure did not stay away.

Leasmom said...

My god are you busy. Where does the energy come from?

Captain's Wife - Jennifer said...

Thanks for the response on my blog. :) No biggie on the recipe...I just thought if you had a 'tried and true' handy, I'd love to hear it! :)