My vacation is over. Getting ready to go to bed. As I sit here I am trying to sort through all that I had planned on getting done, what I accomplished and what is left to keep me busy during my full week of vacation the week of the 15th.
I have to remind myself that this was just a 5 day vacation. The next one will be 9!!
Here is what I accomplished
1. Complete kitchen reorganization
2. Washed 1 million dishes (grandboys were here)
3. Cleaned out 2 horrible junk drawers and condensed them down to 1 usable one.
4. Spent 5 hours pruning the wild plum orchard. Including digging up sucker trees (this project is about half done)
5. Set up a cabin in the woods (tent) and helped to camouflage it.
6. Swam with other fishes upstream in a Piranah infested river (played a million games of Piranah with the grand boys)
7. Made 100 gallons of homemade chicken and dumplings (you think I exagurate..look in the frig)
8. Had lunch with my sister.
9. Spent several hours at Chuck E Cheese for grandboys 7th birthday.
10. Treated wounded chickens
11. Planted a winter garden and built a frame for the plastic covering which will keep is warm
12. And finally cleaned out two huge stalls which house a family of goats, bag up the manure and haul this home and add to both the two raised beds and the compost pile. (about 3-4 more bags to go..ran out of room in the Mitubishi)
When I began this End of Vacation I didn't really feel as if I had accomplished much...I changed my mind.
Here is what I have left to work on this week and also the next vacation week:
1. Read a plumbing book and learn how to change the guts of my toilet
2. Install the curved shower curtain rod and the new shower curtain
3. Build the wood rack for the front porch
4. Clean the front yard
5. Put up Christmas lights
6. Put up Christmas tree
7. cut starter wood and bundle into single use bundles
8. Mail my remaining Xmas packages
9. Take down the remaining wire fence in the back yard
10. Finish removing the plum trees along the fence line and the suckers from the yard
11. When that is complete run the mower through that area
12. Stack firewood on the new rack
13. Winterize the outside faucets
Not too dogone bad for a short vacation. I love this kind of work even though it wears me out!
Wow..A great vacation.It is good for you to have vacation but i know you're tired at the end of vacation.All you can do is rest for a while and read.
Wow..A great vacation.It is good for you to have vacation but i know you're tired at the end of vacation.All you can do is rest for a while and read.
Ladytears its a working vacation. Boy but you got alot of things done!!! Good for you!!!
Wanna spend your next vacation here??? I have lots of projects to help you pass the time. LOL
Peggy you know i would love that sooooo much! And Human...tonight I do nothing but body hurts so bad and even advil is not working. but the fun we had in the "new" and the fact that I can find everything in my kitchen sure makes it all worth while.
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